Tallahassee – Volunteer Florida today announced a Request for Proposals for grant funding to help nonprofits recruit and retain skills-based volunteers. The Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) will help nonprofits use skills-based volunteers to serve Florida students, families, and communities. Contingent upon the receipt of federal funding, Volunteer Florida will distribute a total of $286,000 in sub-grant awards of $13,000.
Volunteer Florida CEO Chester W. Spellman said, “As Florida’s lead agency for volunteerism, we are proud to announce this grant funding to strengthen the operations of nonprofits. Our investment will put volunteers to work in diverse and high-impact positions, such as teaching financial literacy, providing disaster recovery, and helping job-seekers find employment.”
The Volunteer Generation Fund (VGF) is funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service and administered by Volunteer Florida. In 2017-2018, Volunteer Florida’s VGF program will help local nonprofits recruit, manage, and support approximately 6,600 skills-based volunteers, who will collectively contribute a minimum of 44,000 hours of service throughout the state – a value of $998,800.
Skills-based volunteerism expands the impact of community organizations by leveraging the skills of professionals, such as accountants, IT consultants, attorneys, and teachers. Special consideration will be given to organizations involved in disaster services and organizations that work to reduce or prevent prescription drug or opioid abuse. The nonprofits and service organizations will match the funding with $286,000 in local investments, bringing the total investment in Florida communities to $572,000.
To see the Request for Proposals and learn more, visit our grants page.
A technical assistance call is scheduled for Friday, July 7, 2017 from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT via GoToMeeting. Please click here for more information.