FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, May 31, 2013
CONTACT: 850-921-0217, dem-externalaffairs@em.myflorida.com, www.FloridaDisaster.org

Miami, Florida – The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) announced today a partnership with the National Association of Broadcasters, the Florida Association of Broadcasters, and Dyle Mobile TV to participate in a pilot program to test mobile TV devices during the 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Details of the program were unveiled today at an event at Florida International University, Wall of Wind Research Center. The pilot program will provide members of the State Emergency Response Team (SERT) with mobile TV devices that will deliver live, local information in the event of a hurricane.

“We are excited for the opportunity to work with Dyle Mobile TV, the National Association of Broadcasters and the Florida Association of Broadcasters to utilize these devices and further our emergency coordination and capabilities during a disaster,” said FDEM Director Bryan W. Koon. “Florida is one of the leading states in the nation in emergency management and, through partnerships like this one we can ensure that Florida remains a leading destination to work, live and visit.”

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season officially begins Saturday, June 1st. Floridians are reminded to take this time to prepare their families and businesses for the upcoming hurricane season. Today’s event included FDEM Director Bryan Koon, Erik Salna of the FIU International Hurricane Research Center and Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman.

“Mobile TV provides an additional resource for volunteer organizations to receive information in affected areas after a disaster,” said Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman. “As a part of the State Emergency Response Team, Volunteer Florida is excited to utilize these partnerships to further support Florida’s communities after a disaster.”

Local television stations in more than 140 cities are now delivering live, local TV to smart phones, tablets and other “on-the-go” devices. Broadcasters view the Florida mobile TV pilot program as an extension of the “first informer” role that radio and TV stations play during times of crisis.

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 – November 30. For more information on the Florida Division of Emergency Management and to GET A PLAN!, visit www.FloridaDisaster.org. Follow us on Twitter at @FLSERT and on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/FloridaSERT and www.Facebook.com/KidsGetAPlan.
